Attention Everbody We have moved!
We are now located on 4906 Richmond St. Erie, Pa. 16509
Stop by and see us!
Put some good vibrations into your life...and watch what happens next!
Introducing the new audiobook Good Vibes... Bad Vibes! by Dr. Gay Hilton.
Now available for download in MP3 format!
purchase through either Amazon or Paypal below
Thank you for your support.
CD copies available Monday August the 8th! / ISBN 978-1-4507-8670-6
- Purchase at Integrative Wellness Options
4906 Richmond St. Erie, PA 16509 (Corner of Washington Ave. and Richmond St.)
- Also you can call 814-459-2030 to order a copy.
- We will be selling CD copies to buy on Amazon and Ebay.
Follow this and the latest naturopathic Holistic news on our new facebook fan page!
Hear what others have said about the Audiobook!
Follow this and the latest naturopathic homeopathic news on our new facebook fan page!
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Enjoy traversing this web site from page to page, as I have designed it to educate, inform, and provide you with the finest bio energetic formulas available in today's market. All product lines offered on this site work far into the acupuncture system, which interfaces with the neurological system (physical body). Healing is thus far from skin deep, as these formulas treat the source, and not the symptoms.
Read testimonials to see how effective acupoint testing coupled with bio energetic formulas can be. True health is just a "click away". And don't forget to subscribe to my monthly newsletter to keep informed of natural protocols that keep "a spring in your step!"
Do visit our holistic clinic web site at Peruse the list of diverse practitioners in northwestern PA's first holistic clinic, offering everything from colon hydrotherapy, massage, Reiki, acupuncture, applied kinesiology, naturopathy, energy zone healing, and mind/body integration. Take the scenic tour of our clinic, where we also offer weekly instruction in our classroom. Check out our instructional schedule by visiting our calendar.
This website is about "what's hot" in the emerging field of quantum/energy based medicine. Watch the Dr. Oz Show (from Oprah Winfrey) to find out more about the quantum physics behind energy medicine and it's various healing modalites.
The Force Be With You!
Dr. Gay
The job of the Naturopath
When one is chronically ill, the body has simply forgotten how to heal itself. The job of the naturopath is to guide the body back to balance, so it remembers it's many powerful functions. The body's innate intelligence knows how to produce exactly the right bio-chemicals, hormones, and immune factors to restore healing. This is all accomplished without the use of toxic medicines, and invasive procedures, which treat only symptoms.

It is our goal to teach you how to take control of your healing process through proper diet, therapeutic nutrition, exercise, affirmative prayer and meditation. You will no longer feel drugs are the only alternative, or be in fear of all the toxic side effects. With our guidance you will have a whole host of all natural therapeutic formulas available to you, to rebuild and reorganize organs and glands at the cellular level. That spells true health!
Our Mission Statement
Integrative Wellness Options offers you and yours the paradigm, or model, of energy medicine. The vital life force must direct a powerful energy flow to each organ and gland, to increase immunity and promote health and well being. Integrative Wellness Options guides you on that path, with a focus on energy medicine supplements and protocols that stimulate and increase bio-electricity, without the use of chemical medicines or invasive procedures.
Dr. Gay Hilton, N.D. is a nationally recognized naturopathic doctor, who integrates a variety of all natural alternative modalities of intervention. Her focus is assisting you in establishing the energetic root of what may be electro-magnetically compromising your well-being, then implementing holistic nutrition, cleansing/detoxification, balancing the body's pH, screening for energy blockages to organs and glands, rebalancing energy circuits, then targeting those body systems with recommended bioenergetics formulas, in an effort to re-establish balance and health via the restoration of bioelectricity. Additionally we offer a select flower essence product line, which balances mind/body issues that create psychosomatic illnesses.